Serving the Greater Vancouver Area
* Reservation Available from Gestational Week 10
(via E-mail/Text/Call)
임신 10주부터 예약 가능
*ALL K-Doula Postpartum Service Providers are:
✔️Trained + Educated through K-MOM DOULAS INC.
✔️Criminal Record Checked
✔️Food Safe Certified
[ For Mothers :: 산모 케어 ]
Freshly Made Cooking Service /
Breast Engorgement Massage /
Lower Body Massage(Relieving Postpartum Edema) /
Neck+Shoulder Massage /Postpartum Depression Support /
Sitz Bath with Mugwort /Infrared Light Therapy /
Epsom Salt Foot Soak /Breastfeeding Support (Positioning+Latching)
산모식 식사 서비스 /젖몸살 가슴 마사지 /
하체 부종빼기 마사지 /목+어깨 마사지 /
산후 우울증 서포트 /쑥 좌욕 서비스 /
원적외선 테라피 / Epsom Salt 족욕 서비스
모유수유 서포트 (positioning & latching)
[ Infant Care :: 아기 케어 ]
Bathing Infants /Changing Diapers /Sterilizing Bottles /
Feeding the Baby /Burping the Baby /Putting Baby Asleep
아기 목욕 /기저귀 갈기 /젖병 소독 /
유축모 or 분유 먹이기 /트름 시키기 /아기 재우기
[ Extra Support :: 보조 업무 ]
Tidying Up Living Room & Kitchen Area /Infants' Laundry
부엌 & 거실 정리 /세탁 (신생아 옷 분리 세척)
:: 2-Week Package ::
$2520 - total of 60 hours
:: 3-Week Package ::
$3690 - total of 90 hours
:: 4-Week Package ::
$4740 - total of 120 hours
+5% G.S.T. will be applied
+20% deposit is required to reserve a spot (E-transfer)
phone : 604-861-5959
email : [email protected]